
Hi! I’m Ashley

It’s such a pleasure to introduce myself to you and share a little bit about who I am. I’m a cajun girl who was born and raised in southern Louisiana. I have lived in Fort Worth,Tx with my beautiful family for the past 13 years. I absolutely now consider myself to be a Texan. I love it here and plan to spend the rest of my days growing relationships (both business and personal) with the beautiful people of the DFW area.

A little back story about me. I’ve dreamed of doing something creative with my life since I was a little girl. I fell in love with doing hair/makeup and taking pretty pictures when I was about 13 yrs old. For years it was all just a dream until one day I decided to make it a reality. Right before my 24th bday I moved to Fort Worth, enrolled in cosmetology school and bought my first “real” camera. And so my learning journey began. Its now been 13 years that I have learned to perfect my skills as a photographer/cosmetologist and I can honestly say I LOVE what I do.

I love shooting weddings and families but I primarly work with high school seniors. My seniors love to work with me because I’m a step above the traditonal senior photographer who only offers seniors sessions. Not only do I offer full hair and makeup with each session....I also work with my seniors to create amazing fantasy and themed shoots....bringing to life what they have envisioned.

I hope to earn the chance to work with you and help you capture this special time in your life!